Work Projects
Explore my Work Projects, where I showcase my professional experience in software development.
These projects demonstrate my ability to deliver solutions that meet client needs and business objectives.
From concept to deployment, each project highlights my expertise and problem-solving skills in real-world applications.
Example Highlight Work Projects
- Device Settings Module
Description: This application integrates a dedicated page into the Settings menu of Android TV, allowing seamless access to device-specific settings and related functionalities. Through this module, users can conveniently manage various device configurations directly from the Settings interface.
Type: Android App
Role: Lead, Android Engineer
Responsibility: Spearheaded the architecture design, development and act as the subject-matter expert
Language: Kotlin
Architecture: MVI-Clean Architecture
Library used: RxKotlin, Coroutine, JUnit, Mockito.
- Device Initial Setup Wizard Module
Description: This application features an activity designed to manage various device-related activities within the Android TV setup wizard. Additionally, it includes functionality to detect the device's connection status with the Android TV and display the setup screen accordingly. By embedding this module into the setup wizard, users can conveniently configure device settings and initiate setup procedures directly from their Android TV.
Type: Android App
Role: Lead, Android Engineer
Responsibility: Spearheaded the architecture design, development and act as the subject-matter expert
Language: Kotlin
Architecture: MVI-Clean Architecture
Libraries used: RxJava, Coroutine, JUnit, Mockito
- PRM App
Description: The PRM App empowers Relationship Managers to boost productivity by accessing client information anytime, even offline.
Type: Android App
Role: Sole Android Developer
Responsibility: Implement new features, manage device authorization through device management, serve as the technical point of contact for app inquiries, refactor and optimize code.
Language: Java
Architecture: MVP (Model-View-Presenter)
Libraries used: RxJava, Room, Retrofit
Technologies and Tools:
SQLite Bench,
Firebase Realtime Database
Firebase Analytics
Firebase Cloud Storage
Spring Boot,
MDM (Mobile Device Management) by BlackBerry