Stephen Siapno Help

Projects in Auspex Corp.

Since the product lineup was already underway, a decision was made to develop and introduce a new product to our portfolio.

The second team was assigned to develop a proof of concept application.

Our Product Manager proposed the idea of creating a Bookstore application.

To kickstart the second project promptly, I was responsible for developing an offline inventory system for the bookstore.

We successfully created the proof-of-concept application as per the project requirements.

Unfortunately, we were unable to secure a client for the Bookstore inventory application in time as the company faced financial losses.

Book Store Inventory App
  • Description: The Bookstore inventory app serves as a tool for book store managers to efficiently manage their inventory and book-related operations.

  • Type: Android App

  • Role: Android Developer

  • Responsibility: Spearheaded the development of the Android application from inception, working closely with the designer to ensure seamless integration of design and functionality.

  • Language: Java

  • Architecture: MVP (Model-View-Presenter)

  • Libraries used: RxJava, Room, Dagger 2

Last modified: 07 March 2024