Stephen Siapno Help

Android Development

In my Android development journey, I adhere to Modern Android Development (MAD) principles.

My toolkit includes a range of tools and practices that ensure my apps are efficient, up-to-date, and aligned with industry best practices.

This includes leveraging modern techniques for UI design, data management, and dependency injection.

Development Libraries and Tools

  • Android Jetpack

User Interface

Text(text = "Hello, World!", fontSize = 24.sp)
<TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Hello, World!" android:textSize="24sp"/>


    1. JUnit

    2. Mockito

    3. Espresso

    4. MockK


    1. Coroutine

    2. Flow

    Reactive Framework

    1. RxJava

    2. RxKotlin

    Dependency Injection

    1. Dagger 2

    2. Hilt

    3. Koin


    1. Sqlite using Room

    2. Realm

    API Consumption

    1. Retrofit

    2. Okhttp

    Last modified: 07 March 2024